Roman Blind Installation Guide
NOTE: It will be easier to install larger blinds with two people.
Inside RECESS mount:
- All blinds go through our rigorous quality control methods so that dirty marks on your blinds will not be a returnable issue. No brackets are required for Recess mounted Roman blinds.
- Place you Roman blind into the window frame in the desired location and screw directly through the head rail into the underside of the window frame. Make sure that the wide flat part of the head rail is facing to the ceiling so the components hang from the bottom of the head rail. This will allow for a smooth action and mean wear and tear is kept to a minimum.
- To ensure a secure fix, screw your head rail evenly to the window frame. Two screws for blinds up to 1200, 3 screw up to 1800mm and 4 screws over this width. Use your best judgement on large blinds up to 3000mm as more screws will not effect the blind.
- Your Roman Blind is now installed and can be lowered by unlocking your cord lock by tugging on the cord whilst angling the cord to the middle of the roman blind. To lock into position, release the cord whilst angling to the outside of the blind. When raising and lowering, to ensure the cords don’t wear, please operate the cord in the straight up and down position, not at an angle.
- Lastly attach the child safety device to make sure the cords are kept out of reach for children.
Outside FACE mount:
- All blinds go through our rigorous quality control methods before packing so dirty marks on your blinds will not be a returnable issue. “L” shaped brackets are supplied with you Roman blinds.
- The “L” shaped brackets are to be placed about 150mm in from each end and evenly throughout the rest of the head rail.
- Place the brackets in line with the top of the window frame and screw into the middle of the oval slot, this can allow you to adjust ach end to make sure it 100% level once done.
- Place the Roman blind head rail on top of the brackets. Make sure that the wide flat part of the head rail is facing to the ceiling so the components hang from the bottom of the head rail. This will allow for a smooth action and mean wear and tear is kept to a minimum(remembering your gloves so as not to mark the fabric of your new blind)
- Check you blind is centred on your window and screw through the “L” shaped brackets into the head rail.
- Your Roman Blind is now installed and can be lowered by unlocking your cord lock by tugging on the cord whilst angling the cord to the middle of the roman blind. To lock into position, release the cord whilst angling to the outside of the blind. When raising and lowering, to ensure the cords don’t wear, please operate the cord in the straight up and down position, not at an angle.
- Lastly attach the child safety device to make sure the cords are kept out of reach for children.